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tv   Boom Bust  RT  July 21, 2018 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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a robot it's has sensors it does work for us that we don't want to do and so on so washing machine is a robot but we don't even consider it and anyway a robot would just it's a machine that must be less robot in the sense that you know we the regular people perceive it in that sense what is the most advanced rather that you've created what can eat do. but. yeah it's very easy to morph size robots. what i work on is specifically algorithms and. vision algorithms in particular so i teach robots have c and how to see the world and that's a very difficult task for a robot it's very easy for us when we walk into a room we can instantly say where we are within that room and where all the rest of the objects are in that room and what the function of those objects are these concepts are very very difficult and it's you can show you can teach an artificial
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intelligence what a chair looks like in several chairs and then you can show it a new chair that never seen before right now and it could pick out and say that is a chair but if you showed a series of things and said which of these is for sitting on that concept is too abstract right now for artificial intelligence so if you could create a dream role booked what would it be. a dream robot that your question yeah i mean it's not about i needs of the day i guess a robot when you ask it to do a function it can understand what it is that you want to do rather than having to particularly specify. if you point at something and say i want that thing over there. for a robot that is so abstract do you understand what gesture of the point and that you're indicating to something that's in the distance so i would like a robot that you could talk to in
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a natural language that understands these concepts that humans right now take for granted so at that point robot stops being just screws involves like you put it right because with what else can a robot learn can can there be a slight chance that wall but can actually learn something about emotional intelligence not only artificial intelligence. feel something new i think even for humans that's a very difficult concept to understand so we could i'm sure. long time before robots have actual feelings if that's even possible we could certainly have robots that simulate feelings in a way that we can't tell the difference. what if you can't tell the difference then what is the difference so in that case could healings be falling in love with robots i'm pretty sure they could easily do that i'm pretty sure humans could fall over robots whether the robots could actually fall in love with humans that's an
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entirely different matter because that concept scares you that humans could follow with robots you know there's so many strange humans in the world anyway and he wants to fall in love with strange things as it is. you know i'm not going to be either change humanity or mankind because if i were you i would say that my dream world that is someone who i can take charge a lot have ever thought of that. i don't know i don't think that would be my my concept. or my dream role but it all i think it will be just something that makes my life easier rather than something that i could love so you have artificial intelligence versus human intelligence and those are two very different things but at this point already like you can have like a walk in a bar and instead of like a human trio band you can have three robots amazing music band but i would want to hear that i'm going to humans don't go to see play music if they don't you know waste their selves and emotions and sorrow and the music i am asking is that will
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the human still be in demand after robots will be able to do everything like humans or maybe even better well that's that's a very interesting question and it's that right now you could go into a. you say into a bar under somebody who has programmed all his music into midi interface and he's actually not putting any extreme to that he's he or she is just playing this music that's pretty recorded perhaps is his or her voice is adding the emotion to it i'm sure it is and can we see make up with with robots and then if if it's not just this emotional thing what else do you man's have to offer that machines can't i think that's the crux of the question and there is. i think over the years technology has shown that jobs are taken away jobs that i started working out for example i was designing circuit boards that's now done by robots i was building
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that's been taken over by machines. but then new jobs are created from that and i think there will always be a place for mankind we will find new things for us to do in science fiction it's often that we would go off to just explore and enjoy life while the machines talk a bit more about where we have a place next to out once they start to do our jobs better than we did if we outsource everything to robots while we lose an enormous amount of skills i mean for us as i said we want to realize how automated our lives are our grandparents first say they knew how to break bread you know how to make cheese we don't anymore if everyone is to drive around automate cars it means that no one will ever know how to drive anymore right. well isn't that a bit scary when you know that you are losing a certain skill is it about need or maybe preserving harry take your
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preserving skills it's also part of a heritage of human heritage absolutely absolutely a most kind of skills i mean people don't know how to bind books anymore it's all done by print and those skills are are quite lost but they're forgotten by most people and as you said breaking bread and making bread but then there's new skills is computer generated art is computer generated music. does robotics there's so many new skills we've space exploration that come from. years ago when they were breaking bread they didn't know how to do a spacewalk. so you think that we shouldn't be worried about losing certain amount of skills because they're inevitably replaced by idea once it's not it's not like we're going to run out of skills because we're so lazy that we're going to let machines do everything for us yeah i think we always look for something that's the nature of humans that we're interested in solving problems and finding solutions to
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the difficulties and the machines are. and will continue to be helping us and that and i think even when the machines surpass our intelligence we will still be able to work with them beside them so do you think of all will even go to schools or colleges so you have like robots teach you pretty much anything you need to know. i haven't really thought about that question but i think what you have just to think yeah i think i think. right now wiki pedia and google is use so much in our daily lives. my daughter she's when she was nine years old she said i don't need to go to school anymore if i need to know something i just google it what was your reaction to that. i was like well in some ways yes she's right she does need to know something she kind of good but there's more than that in school there's also human interaction and there's skills that you need to learn apart from knowledge so
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you have skills and knowledge and both are important so how do you make sure you preserve that because you've said just like two seconds ago that even when the robots surpass us in their skills and intelligence will still be able to work with them to guarantee what if they take over as one day yeah this concept as. you know i don't believe. they will i can't believe they will find in their programming every choir mentor a need for greed or power hunger or anything that we thought i believe is an inherent human flaw rather than a machine also has flaws it can just go out of order because i heard they were going to do with that yeah and this is the happens to some tools and the theoretical. of three laws or fourth laws. you know to preserve which i don't believe will actually can be integrated into robots but as long as we have
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a big off button on there i think about as long as we have access to that. stone close down the other says to that baton peter we're going to take a short break right now where we come back we'll continue talking to peter rad mont engineer about excluder a creator of the intelligent rhubarb grab what we'll ask him who takes the blame if something goes wrong in an automated world stay with us. it's hard to imagine after the war a nazi doctor was still active. in the nineteen seventies crittle had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery. a german company developed.
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a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy. terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything but. you know she said she's just . submitted my victims i have to this day received no compensation and never apologized for the suffering. not only want the money i want the world bank. thanks guys or financial survival. when customers go buy your do something. else well we do some of our. best undercutting but what's good for market is back it for the global economy. look as if.
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it's doing a. good . while calling.
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and we're back with peter brad mont engineer robotics peter there is this other thing that fascinates me and that's a granted reality when you put like google glasses on you see everything in three d. or forty while there i will be time i worry just like laying on your college when you put on your glasses and all of a sudden you're in your office and that's how you can work all day. absolutely. part of what i do in vision and robotic vision is the off side of that which is the augmented reality that you talk of the two sides of the one point and it would be very easy to put on your goggles or just stand in your virtual world and you can be somewhere else he doesn't even have to be in your office you can be working in any
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environment in a different part of the world in different parts of the universe how long till that happens i have a problem getting up in the morning. that take. your i think you could probably do it in the next few years you could do it very effectively this technology is that this is right on the cutting edge of technologies right now is these developments on the data is new changes in the algorithms that are coming out that improve up on the speed of processing which is really where the bottleneck is for these processes what do you think about how well we humans cope with that progress because progress over the last century is being consistent but somewhat slow and what we see for the past like fifteen or twenty years are like major major breakthroughs like twenty five years ago not everyone had a computer now you can't even think about your life or that computer i thought and or your i pad like is that everything is so automated you can put on
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a glasses and you know go to work and work from your bad. can leave emotionally handle this amount of innovation in such a rapid pace always drastically changing so fast can we cope with that and catch up with it and i think the emotional aspect of that is not my area of expertise but ok but mentally and but the technology part of it i don't really see. any reason why we should be able to do that and we are as humans were. we can change diversify very easily and. i think i think as generations move on. like. two year olds can type before they can they can write but i'm sure what is your concept of progress i'm sure it's something positive. progress is something that brings good things to humanity but when i look at it it doesn't necessarily change to society's for the best i mean the fact that
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a baby can type at the age of two doesn't mean that. some crazy dude from iceland is what put an execution video on internet you know what i mean so do you feel like progress is somehow changing human as humans or changing aside for the better or those are two parallel things progress is progress and humans will just never change society will say that saying i have to say that progress is progress and humans are humans and. we reinvented teenty for making holes nonsense for transco through and of course the name the use it for destructive purposes and bombs and. that's human nature it's not it's not the fault of the technology or the progress it's it's the misuse of the technology that's the.


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